Yesterday for church the guys had “Manrichment”. Their activity was racing boats in rain gutters with water. The ladies were invited on this one, but I really didn't have my adventurous little boy side in me that night. I just dropped by quickly to bring some dessert-- pink sprinkled chocolate cupcakes :) I was mighty impress with the effort the guys put in this activity. It's fun to watch them trying different ways to make their boats go faster- like attach rocket engines. Boys are carazy! They were trying to keep me and Karen there, but we wanted to go to Institute. Charlie would have loved this activity, but his family all took a trip to the Temple that night.
Karen and I decided to go to Institute because we hadn’t been for the past three weeks. For church, we had two Enrichment Nights back to back, then spring break. We’ve been learning from the Old Testament and last night we studied the book of Samuel. The class was amazing. Sometimes the Bible can be hard to follow. If I'm not really pondering or do not understand what I'm reading, I miss out on important spiritual symbolism. That's why I love Brother Given's Institute classes. He really pushes us to go deeper for meaning plus he always trys to make it relatable for our everyday lives. My favorite chapter was Samuel 3. Samuel had an amazing experience where the Lord spoke to him.
Also today, Charlie and I dropped Karen off at the airport. She's going to Utah for a long weekend. This weekend our church is having a semi annual General Conference where all our leaders give talks to help strengthen us and give us guidance . It's a big thing in our church and I'm excited. I always love the spiritual boost and the greater sense of purpose I gain. I hope my sis has fun!
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