Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunny Weekend

This weekend went by super fast. The warm weather this weekend was awesome. Here's a little recap of the past weekend since I haven't blogged for awhile.

On friday, me and charlie took my brother's pups for a walk. They are soo adorable. One of the puppies, Nikki, has a broken leg so we weren't sure how she was gonna hold up, but she was running around like crazy. She loved the walk and being outside. Then, later that night we went to a church dance.

On Saturday, I had to work all day, and I missed Charlie's last basketball game. But, his mom taped pratically the whole game :) so I watched the recaps. Later that night, Justin wanted to go on a double date with me and charlie and I had the bright idea to go pier fishing at Seal Beach. It was a nice night to be at the beach. But fishing... we didn't catch anything. It was pretty boring when you're just sitting..and waiting. I'm so impatient lol. So we gave up on the fishing after like 30 minutes and got some Cold Stone's and we ate along the beach.

On Sunday, I had an early presidency meeting at Megan's house. We hadn't had a meeting for awhile with all of us there and I've missed all of the ladies. It's so great to have the opportunity to meet together every Sunday. At church there was this amazing high school choir that sang . After church I hung out at charlie's and totally passed out. I was so sleepy. Then, after we had dinner, me, charlie, justin, and aubrey started cleaning together in the kitchen and it was actually fun. It's fun getting the boys to clean haha. They loved it :) Later that night we went back to my house where karen invited a bunch a people over and were having a lil party. I made some yummy brownie cupcakes and we all just chilled and hung out. and that's about it.

I haven't been scrapbooking lately and I miss it. i need to make time to scrapbook...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring Cleaning

My room is semi-clean! It's funny because I'm an organize freak, but it seems I can not keep my room clean. I'm determined I need a second bedroom. Whenever I start a scrapbook project I create a disaster in my room. I'm big on letting the creative juices flow with random things all over... and by chance I usually find something random that works perfectly with what I'm workin on. I do like organizing everthing back in its place when I'm finish, but I like to wait until i finish the project...and i usually never finish a project in one day. so.. i draw the conclusion that i need another room. i keep telling my sister when she goes on a mission her room will be mine. lol lol

Anyway, what led to my spring cleaning mission was all a result of a mid day nap. First, this weekend we had the General Conference thing for our church--which was incredibly amazing. i heart church soo much. We watched all our leaders speak on the BYU channel from sat. 9-11am and 1-3pm. the guys have a special meeting at the church from 5-7pm. then sun 9-11am and 1-3pm.

Now by mid day Sunday, I started to get really sleepy. it can get pretty exhausting. Charlie fell asleep and didn't even watch the afternoon Sunday session. I didn't realize until after listening to Brother Bednar, heard a cool quote, look over at Charlie to see if he thought it was cool too--- and he was sound asleep. snoring in all lol. he looked so peaceful i didn't want to wake him. ANyway, an hour later i fell asleep for like 45 minutes. And thus, I could not sleep that night! I always try not to take naps for this very reason. So I got up, put on the Holiday--my fav chick flick-- and started cleaning. I cleaned the living room, kitchen, bathroom, did my laundry, and cleaned my room. By the time I was done it was 5am in the morning!

Anyway, today we picked up karen from the airport. She had soo much fun on her trip to Utah.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Red Velvet Delight

Today was so yummy! Charlie and I went to Bake n Broil in Long Beach off of Atlantic for dinner. They have the most delicious dessert ever-- Red Velvet Cake. It melts in your mouth. The secret is the cheesecake frosting. If you are ever in the area you have to try.

Yesterday for church the guys had “Manrichment”. Their activity was racing boats in rain gutters with water. The ladies were invited on this one, but I really didn't have my adventurous little boy side in me that night. I just dropped by quickly to bring some dessert-- pink sprinkled chocolate cupcakes :) I was mighty impress with the effort the guys put in this activity. It's fun to watch them trying different ways to make their boats go faster- like attach rocket engines. Boys are carazy! They were trying to keep me and Karen there, but we wanted to go to Institute. Charlie would have loved this activity, but his family all took a trip to the Temple that night.

Karen and I decided to go to Institute because we hadn’t been for the past three weeks. For church, we had two Enrichment Nights back to back, then spring break. We’ve been learning from the Old Testament and last night we studied the book of Samuel. The class was amazing. Sometimes the Bible can be hard to follow. If I'm not really pondering or do not understand what I'm reading, I miss out on important spiritual symbolism. That's why I love Brother Given's Institute classes. He really pushes us to go deeper for meaning plus he always trys to make it relatable for our everyday lives. My favorite chapter was Samuel 3. Samuel had an amazing experience where the Lord spoke to him.

Also today, Charlie and I dropped Karen off at the airport. She's going to Utah for a long weekend. This weekend our church is having a semi annual General Conference where all our leaders give talks to help strengthen us and give us guidance . It's a big thing in our church and I'm excited. I always love the spiritual boost and the greater sense of purpose I gain. I hope my sis has fun!